Well, vacation is officially over. Classes started in earnest today. I am really excited to be back. I will be back at El Camino Hospital, though not on the Oncology floor. I will find out next week where and get my groove on regardless of where I am! Again, I am on the bus (hurrah for WiFi!) It feels weird to think that at the end of this semester I will have completed half of my nursing school courses! It looks like this semester is going to be a lot of work again, but I feel more than up to the task. I have a new computer to keep me up to date and on task. I ended up purchasing a Lenovo (IBM) which is working out fantastically. I didn't get any of my projects completed over winter, but hopefully I can get on them now that I have the computer.
The kids are happy to be back in school. My daughter just completed a project for school where she had to take fifty hypothetical dollars and create a menu for a day (breakfast, lunch, & dinner). She could not go over the $50.00. She had to do a poster with pictures, description of the meals, shopping lists, and all math calculations. It was fabulous! And, of course, her menu choices were healthy! Breakfast was bean & soy cheese omelet with berry salad (blueberry, blackberry, & raspberry), lunch was tofurkey sandwich on whole wheat with lettuce and peas, corn, and orange slices, dinner was tofu vegetable stir fry. What a girl! In addition she had to ask four people what their dream was for the new year and also express what her dream for the year is. Her dream is that all gay/lesbian people be allowed to marry because she says that people are equal and should be able to be with the person they love.
My son, on the other hand, just gets funnier by the day. I introduced him to the Karate Kid movies and he just loves them! He goes around imitating Mr. Miyagi and Daniel! It is so cute. When he tries to do the crane, he stands on one foot and hops!!! He was sad when basketball season ended a few weeks ago, but his team remained undefeated for the season!!! He played defense really well. He seems to have a natural ability for athletics just like his father and most of my family (myself excluded). He wants to start Karate as soon as he turns 6 this summer - they don't accept 5 year olds. Other than that, both kids are swimming four days a week and coming along beautifully. They really enjoy being in the water.
Well, that is about all for now! Hopefully I will have time to update, but I won't bet on it!!!
Drop Your Knee
12 years ago