I have been watching CSPAN quite a bit today and I am utterly appalled over the negative stance being taken by House Republicans against Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I watched her entire speech and I found NOTHING partisan or poisoning about her speech. On the contrary, she reminded me of the reasons why I am grateful that she became Speaker of the House. She was a loud voice speaking up for the needs and concerns of the American people. The reality is that we are a month from an election where EVERY member of the House of Representatives (with the exception of the few who are retiring) will be campaigning for reelection. One-third of the Senate seats are up for reelection. This bill was so unpopular with constituants, does anyone really think that they would risk their political career on a bill that was hastily put together and backed by a government who's economic policys have been more inept that a kindergartener's? I don't believe it. In fact, this bill recieved a yea vote from less than 40% of Republicans and 60% of House Democrats! Among Representatives with highly contested seats, yea voting was 15% for Republicans and 25% for Democrats. For a full view fo the voting record check out: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2008/09/swing-district-congressmen-doomed.html
In addition, the American Government is currently almost ten trillion dollars in debt!!! The blank check handed to the Executive Branch by Congress has been grossly abused by this administration. For the party of fiscal conservitivism, they sure like to spend a lot! How could they honestly believe that we the people would just hand them a blank check again? This reason is precisely why we are a REPUBLIC not a democracy or a dictatorship. I believe that this could be a turning point in American Government where Congress can assert it back and bring a balance of power back to our government. I hope that it is so.
Drop Your Knee
12 years ago
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