Seriously sore . . . and a harrowing experience

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wow! I am so sore today! I spent the weekend in LA taking the certification courses for AFAA (Aerobic and Fitness Association of America) and holey moley - I am sore! I did completed the kickboxing certification on Saturday (9am-5:30 pm) pretty much moving all day! It was great fun and I learned a lot about proper alignment and movement in a group exercise setting. The teacher was awesome - energetic and informative. I want to be a teacher just like her! Sunday was certification for primary group exercise instructor (9am -7:30 pm)!!! This class seemed to drag on forever. Part of the problem was that there was a lot of repetition from the day before - which helped me, but made it somewhat boring. Another problem was that there were over 100 people being certified, so there was a lot of confusion. The teachers were both nice, but their style was less engaging that the instructor from kickboxing. All in all, I think it went well. We had to demonstrate proper technique and teaching ability to the examiners and also take a written test for each class, but I feel that they both went well and I am confident I will receive my certifications. I have to wait 4-6 weeks before I will know for sure.

All in all it was a fun weekend. The driving was the gnarliest part. We left late on Friday and it was raining pretty much the whole drive down. Luckily my husband is the best driver on the planet. Seriously, the man is a machine behind the wheel! It is a good thing too, because on the way down - at about 1:30 am - an SUV passed us and the driver lost control of the vehicle. She hydroplaned into the center divide, ricocheted off and continued hydroplaning kind of sideways & backwards literally 100 yards in front of us, then went off into the ditch where her car flipped over and landed wheels up. It was by far and away one of the scariest things I have ever seen in my life. Needless to say, we stopped, called 911 and proceeded to help the girl - who was thankfully unharmed - out of her vehicle. We left once the police came, but I don't think the image of her vehicle sliding along the road in front of us and flipping over will ever leave my head. I swear, I will never speed in the rain again! Luckily, the drive back was uneventful and we eventually got home at 2:30 this morning. For that reason - an the fact that my body feels like it was run over by the defensive line of a football team - I am playing hooky today!


Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

you go girl! you are an inspiration for me to get my arse in gear! if you can do nursing school, be a great wife, parent 2 kids, teach classes and do it all with grace, i can go to the frickin' gym at least twice a week....i think!